Author Archives: Stephen Schubert

The Lost Land of Thule

Every fantasy setting has its own basic conceit about where and when it exists in the multiverse of possibility. Krynn and Athas are simply other worlds. Toril is another world, but one that long ago was tenuously linked to our own Earth through magical gates (or similar contrivances) in such a way that the fantastic creatures and magic of the Forgotten Realms provided us with many of our own legends of these things. Tolkien’s Middle Earth and Robert E. Howard’s Hyboria are simply “Earth of long ago,” a time many millennia before the dawn of recorded history in which now-lost lands and kingdoms existed. This is the conceit that the Primeval Thule setting shares: Thule once existed on Earth, but now is lost.
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Adventures in Primeval Thule

Thule is not your typical medieval fantasy setting. This is a world of savage tribes and decadent cities, a hard land that breeds hard heroes. Outside the dubious safety of the city walls, you can expect to find the hands of all other men and women turned against you… along with the fangs and claws of ferocious beasts, ancient horrors, and degenerate half-human savages.
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